Saturday, August 15, 2009

Please meet Ju

I first met Ju during an immigration rally, back in January (the day after Obama's inaguration). We had initially started talking online at DAP, and he was interested in joining the efforts of the rally. Although we'd never seen each other face to face, I felt a great respect for this young man as we marched side by side. Ju screaming "si se puede" in flawless Spanish.

Ju is from Korea. He was brought here (along with his sister) at a young age by his single mother, to escape the financial crisis of South Korea. He is a tall and lanky young man, with a deep voice and a mischievous grin. And although he seems jovial and goofy, one look into his eyes will tell you that this young man of 20 carries a great weight and sadness.

The more time I've spent with Ju the more i get to see how tenacious and focused he is. He set his mind on becoming the Student Body President of his college, and he was elected. Recently he was chosen for a very competitive undocumented student internship. He goes to school full time, and yet finds ways to make time to advocate for undocumented youth. Not long ago he told his story to Speaker Nancy Pelosis's aides and staff.

What amazes me most about Ju is his selflessness. On the drive back from a recent outing to Stanford, Ju told me the story of how he began to cry as he told his story in the offices of Pelosi. He said he was so choked up he almost couldn't talk.

"But i had to man, I mean i need to tell my story for those of us who cant."

There was one part of the conversation that stuck with me. Ju was telling me about the other fellow undocumented students who spoke. How some only had one meal a day, of rice and bread and then Ju said, "I am lucky, I can have two meals, even if sometimes I am still hungry."

Please help Ju
Please Help Undocumented Students
Please call your congress people and senators and ask them to pass the DREAM Act.
Not in 2010, Not in 2011 but NOW

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